
Your are NOT alone!

Are you lonely? Do you feel isolated, misunderstood and alienated? Perhaps you are in a “relationship” with someone and still feel alone? I want to tell you that loneliness is never God’s design or desire for us. It is however one of our enemy’s greatest tools for destruction and manipulation of all mankind. This is a Spiritual principle that directly effects the physical realities of our lives in a way that is profound on every level. It is a simple truth, but like all Spiritual truths, it is only fully perceived by those who are open to what God is saying on a deeper level, (1 Corinthians 2:14). In warfare it is no secret: If an enemy wants to conquer us, they will first divide us so that our strength in numbers is ineffective against their coming battle offensive. Spiritually speaking, warfare is the same. Why is the idea of “divide and conquer” so powerful? Because it isolates and creates loneliness which leads to fear and hopelessness. THINK ABOUT IT and look all around life in th...

Finding REAL Joy

In the Old Testament book of Nehemiah, Ezra tells God’s faithful few that, "The joy of the Lord is your strength", (Nehemiah 8:10). His encouragement revealed a promise from our Heavenly Father for His people. This promise assured God’s people that even though their task ahead looked impossible, they were to trust God’s provision for ALL they needed for what He wanted. During the days of Ezra, like today, the enemy seems to be conquering what God has purposed for good. However further reading and study of Ezra reveals that God’s desire for His people then and now is obedience to his design for life. And it will be through our submission by obedience that we as God’s people find joy through His strength. A closer look at the original Hebrew word for “strength” in the phrase: “The Joy of the Lord is your strength” uncovers the word מָעוֹז, (maoz). This word gives us a deeper understanding of what the Bible means for us when we hear that phrase: "The joy of the Lord is our ...

Possibilities Mean Opportunities

A key to living a Joy-Filled life is found in this statement: "When you focus on problems you'll have more problems. When you focus on possibilities you'll have more opportunities." Unfortunately this is a spiritual truth that many will never discover! It's super-easy to be ruled by a Spirit of negativity in a world filled with so much strife and discontent. This leads to believing that nothing is ever "good enough" and leaves one filled with an anxiety of what could be instead of rejoicing in what is. Here we'll find a critical nature that always sees it's own way as the better way. This creates a shallow, disillusioned existence. The truth is, when we are determined to have "perfection" in our lives and in the lives of others, we'll end up with an empty life. God calls us to a life of excellence while giving our best, NOT a life of perfection which is always wanting "better" from ourselves and others. In this world, exce...

When TRUTH is Denied

  I recently read a statement which declared that our current election fiasco doesn’t happen in a healthy democracy... that what we are experiencing reveals the deepest imaginable rot of democracy. I can assure you that America's "deepest imaginable rot" has nothing to do with this or any other election. What we are witnessing is a wholesale, deepening rot of character, morality, values and integrity which has been progressively deteriorating. THIS rot is simply being exposed with greater definition as "we" move further away from the source of all Truth. This rot is manifest in all political parties and we are helpless to war against it until we understand the reality and nature of our enemy. Warfare 101 says: "Divide your enemy that they may be conquered". And we are literally watching the enemy move in for the kill. America’s political establishment are like helpless lambs being led to slaughter, running around in circles without a clue. We are seein...

Thanksgiving for The Prince of Peace

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15 The original Greek word for thankful in Colossians 3:15 is Eucharistos, which of course is where we get our word: “Eucahrist”. And the word Eucahrist is another word that we use for the Lord’s Supper, or Communion. Communion is descriptive of relationship, specifically the relationship that Jesus calls us to as Lord and Savior. Think about that! …A life of thankfulness is focused on a deep, communing relationship with Jesus. And there’s no other way to be truly thankful than through relationship with Jesus, who is the Prince of Peace. He brings a settled, divine presence into life that can’t be found elsewhere! In this passage from Colossians we are exhorted to “let the Peace of Christ rule in our hearts… and be thankful”. Indeed communion with Jesus removes worry from life and creates a life of peace and thanksgiving. Do you have the peace of Jesus in ...

From Temporary To Eternal!

“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” (John Dalberg-Acton). This quote suggests that a person's foundation of morality deteriorates as his or her quest for power and control increases. However, the safeguard against a life overwhelmed by the desire for power and control, (even if it is simply to control one’s own destiny), is a life lived in submission. Some grasp this truth to varying degrees, but most will not. Digging deeper, this desire for absolute control is ultimately a denial that there is an eternal, divine perspective which is greater than a temporary human perspective. And until the human perspective submits to what is eternal it will remain on a course of conquest for power and control. The truth is, our human perspective is flawed and perishable, no matter how desperately we desire it not to be. And even those who embrace this truth are prone to the onslaught of the temporary which constantly beckons for control. This is a spiritual battle and can onl...

Jesus, Fully Human Without a Mistake

In Mark 7: 24-30 we find an account of Jesus changing His mind as he interacts with a Greek (Gentile) woman and her demon-possessed daughter. This passage has troubled some who read and make the assumption that Jesus was wrong in His initial assessment of the situation, therefore he had to change His mind because He made a mistake in judgement.  Look at this passage and let’s see what really happened…   Mark 7: 24-30 (NIV) 24  Jesus left that place and went to the vicinity of Tyre. He entered a house and did not want anyone to know it; yet he could not keep his presence secret.   25  In fact, as soon as she heard about him, a woman whose little daughter was possessed by an impure spirit   came and fell at his feet.   26  The woman was a Greek, born in Syrian Phoenicia. She begged Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter.  27  “First let the children eat all they want,”   he told her,   “for it is not right to...