Your are NOT alone!
Are you lonely? Do you feel isolated, misunderstood and alienated? Perhaps you are in a “relationship” with someone and still feel alone? I want to tell you that loneliness is never God’s design or desire for us. It is however one of our enemy’s greatest tools for destruction and manipulation of all mankind. This is a Spiritual principle that directly effects the physical realities of our lives in a way that is profound on every level. It is a simple truth, but like all Spiritual truths, it is only fully perceived by those who are open to what God is saying on a deeper level, (1 Corinthians 2:14). In warfare it is no secret: If an enemy wants to conquer us, they will first divide us so that our strength in numbers is ineffective against their coming battle offensive. Spiritually speaking, warfare is the same. Why is the idea of “divide and conquer” so powerful? Because it isolates and creates loneliness which leads to fear and hopelessness. THINK ABOUT IT and look all around life in th...