Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace

I've been thinking a lot about the great prophet Isaiah's foretelling of the birth of Jesus. He writes in Isaiah 9:6:
"For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace”.
And immediately comes to mind these questions:
1. Why does it seem that the government is NOT resting on His shoulders?
2. Why do so many NOT call Him Wonderful Counselor?
3. Why does the World NOT know Him as Mighty God and Eternal Father?
4. Why is there seemingly NO Peace in the world, EVER?
As I thought through this passage and it’s deep meaning about the character and nature of Jesus, I realized that HE is in fact all of these things FOR ME because He is MY REDEEMER! And for those not redeemed He cannot be these things because the unredeemed have chosen to not receive Him.
For those of us who truly have a personal relationship with the Savior-Redeemer, Jesus, we know that in our lives:
1. He WILL overcome the injustices of a corrupt Government for us! Often we don’t understand or see how He is doing it, or the timing and methods through which He does it. BUT WE KNOW THAT HE DOES IT.
2. He is OUR Wonderful Counselor! We understand that He wants to be the Wonderful Counselor for all of mankind, but the truth is MOST of mankind choose other “counselors” to speak into their lives, not Jesus.
3. He is OUR Mighty God and Eternal Father! WE know that as part of the God Head, Jesus stood with the Father at the creation of the World. In His Sovereignty our Jesus, who is co-existent with God, is the ultimate overseer of the World. One day EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue confess that this IS THE TRUTH. 
4. He is OUR Prince of Peace! When our world seems to be falling apart, He comes to us with the calm reassurance that we belong to Him and that He belongs to us. And that by faith we don’t have to live a life ravaged by storms. He shows us over and over and over, as we allow Him to show us, that our invitation for Him to be in control brings INSTANT peace and calm into life.
Of course He is not these things for those who have not claimed Him as Savior. But that is their choice and a choice that grieves his divine heart who loves all of the World so deeply. 
As you continue to see the World falling apart, know this: Jesus is the ONLY answer. PERIOD. And our greatest endeavor, if we want to see change for righteousness in the world, is to be His hands and feet for His Truth. We are called to be His Ambassadors and we can only do that as much as we understand that this is His desired work in us, not because of what we can do but because of WHO He is.


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