Gaining Spiritual Perspective

The World trains us to observe and react to life according to it's own perspective. But in the Kingdom of God we should see things through spiritual perspectives. Gaining this spiritual perspective requires moving from the world into the Kingdom of God. We do that as we are “born again”, (John 3:3), through acceptance of Christ as Savior and Lord. But even as a Christ follower, if we’re not careful we can see life through a perspective that is not spiritual. In the first few verses of 1 Corinthians chapter 3, the Word of God warns us of the danger in having a worldly perspective that pays no attention to Spiritual truth. Here the apostle Paul writes these words to the Church at Corinth:

I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly—mere infants in Christ.” 1 Corinthians 3: 1

Part of our process in maturing as Christ-Followers so that we are no longer infants in Christ requires our determination of Discipleship. That is, realizing that there is need to grow in our understanding of all things spiritual as they are revealed in the Kingdom of God. And in this process, perhaps the greatest roadblock to a spiritual perspective can be our unwillingness to move from a heart of pride to a heart of humility. Pride seeks a personal agenda while humility seeks submission to God’s authority over every part of life.  

Jesus underscores this fact when questioned about the authority of His teaching. In the following dialogue with other Jews in the Temple, Jesus gives us keys to living with a Kingdom perspective. He shows us the picture of humility which is His unwavering submission to God. Look at John 7: 16-18

16 So Jesus answered them and said, “My teaching is not Mine, but His who sent Me. 17 If anyone is willing to do His will, he will know of the teaching, whether it is of God or whether I speak from Myself. 18 He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who is seeking the glory of the One who sent Him, He is true, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.

Here we see these facts:
·           Jesus understood that His role in life was to do the will of God by revealing God’s plan to humanity. (vs. 16, 17) 
·           Jesus understood that fulfilling this role proved He was humbly submitting to God’s authority which gave all glory to God. (vs. 18)
·           Jesus understood that if He were speaking for Himself and not God it would have been prideful and not pointed to God’s glory alone. (vs. 18)

Therefore, like Jesus, in order to focus on God’s Kingdom perspective:
·           We must do God’s will by revealing His plan to Humanity.
·           Humbly submit to God’s authority so that He gets all the glory.
·           Be careful to always speak for God, not ourselves.

*Gaining a Kingdom perspective over the world’s perspective requires that we seek increasing unity with God, through Christ. We do this as we reveal God’s plan without regard to any personal agenda. This act displays humility at work over pride as the principal distinctive that drives our existence. 

Here is the difference:

·           Pride always enters a situation and says first, either consciously or subconsciously:

·           Humility always enters a situation and says first, either consciously or subconsciously:

Pride Says:“I’m looking at this situation, (whatever it is), and I’m thinking it will possibly effect me in a negative way. I might have to give something away that is valuable to me – time, money, resources… PLUS, I might lose the respect of, or be misunderstood by, others who don’t see this situation like I do.”

Humility Says:“As I look at this situation I want to reveal God’s Truth as it relates here. If need be, I’m ready and willing to give something away that is valuable to me to reveal the will of God. It is of utmost importance that I make sure my Heavenly Father’s plan and glory is revealed above all else.”

Coming to this place of desire to focus on God’s plan and not a personal agenda requires empowerment by the Holy Spirit who takes residence in our lives when we give our lives to Christ. He creates a KINGDOM understanding of life situations that are spiritually discerned while alerting us to WORLDY perspectives that are naturally discerned. 1 Corinthians 2:14 says it this way: But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.”

Through humility, the Holy Spirit of God in us can break down pride barriers in life. This allows us to discern the nature of God through Christ in all things and creates his transformation activity so that His Kingdom perspective prevails over our natural inclinations. Embracing and submitting to this process gives victory for humility over pride and cannot be accomplished on our own. It is the work of God in us through Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The truth is that we can study scripture and claim Christ, but we can never reveal God’s truth when a pride barrier has not been broken through submission to God. When pride is in control we will define Truth based on our own perspective, not God’s will. And there are two severe consequences with the barrier of pride in life: 

1.       Most severe is the reality that this barrier will keep one from ever knowing Jesus Christ as Savior. We simply can’t come to Christ in pride.
2.       This barrier that keeps us from growing in our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. We will never know the deep truths of God when pride is a barrier in our lives.

What are the things that keep us from breaking down pride barriers? Look at what scripture says. 2 Corinthians 5:17 reveals that if any one is in Christ he is a new creation, old things (life based in pride) are passed away and behold all things are made new (having come through humility under submission to God).

Finally, here’s a list of ways that we can overcome pride barriers in order to understand God’s Kingdom Perspective:

1. Instead of running from it, embrace and celebrate God’s Truth in your life while finding ways for Him to use it.

*As Elisabeth Elliot said “In order to Pray, “thy will be done”, I must be willing, if the answer requires it, that my will be undone”

2. Understand that obedience, even when it feels uncomfortable, is required to develop a deeper faith relationship in Christ.

*When God says, “Here’s my plan”, and we ignore it because it will require sacrifice, we move into a place of disobedience. 

3. Submit to and trust Biblical, Spiritual, Direction. (Spiritual discernment is often Counter-Intuitive to what the world will see as obvious) 

*Spiritual understanding is not an intellectual pursuit. It is revealed by the Holy Spirit, not our capacity to understand through reason. When we are obedient as God speaks, Heaven’s truth-treasury is made available. 


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