When TRUTH is Denied
I recently read a statement which declared that our current election fiasco doesn’t happen in a healthy democracy... that what we are experiencing reveals the deepest imaginable rot of democracy. I can assure you that America's "deepest imaginable rot" has nothing to do with this or any other election. What we are witnessing is a wholesale, deepening rot of character, morality, values and integrity which has been progressively deteriorating. THIS rot is simply being exposed with greater definition as "we" move further away from the source of all Truth. This rot is manifest in all political parties and we are helpless to war against it until we understand the reality and nature of our enemy. Warfare 101 says: "Divide your enemy that they may be conquered". And we are literally watching the enemy move in for the kill. America’s political establishment are like helpless lambs being led to slaughter, running around in circles without a clue. We are seein...