
Showing posts from March, 2020

Where Chains Are Broken

Jesus Christ fulfilled over 300 Old Testament prophecies in his life, his Ministry and his resurrection. To help us comprehend the staggering odds of the probability that one man, born hundreds of years after 300 prophetic utterances were made about his life, one mathematician proposed this example: Take silver dollars and lay them two feet deep across the state of Texas. Now mark one of the silver dollars that would represent the life of Christ and stir up the entire mass of coins. Then blindfold an enthusiastic volunteer and tell him that he can travel as far as he likes across Texas, but that he must pick out in one attempt the marked silver dollar. The reality is that the likelihood of that happening is inconceivable. And this compares to the likelihood that one man would fulfill these 300 prophecies. Unless of course he did so through divine appointment. Here are just a handful of those prophecies that Jesus fulfilled in His coming as the Messiah: The messiah would be b...

The Gold Mine

Imagine that you receive a phone call which informs you that you have inherited a gold mine that is located in a desert town far away. A distant great-uncle, who you’ve never met, has recently passed away and randomly decided that you would be his sole heir. Strangely enough his only asset was a gold mine that now is yours for the taking.  But there’s a problem. The gold mine, which was once thriving and productive, has laid dormant for years and the expense of getting it back online as a viable, working mine would mean you need to make a substantial, sacrificial investment. Nevertheless, experts have assured you that there will likely be significant veins of the earth’s richest metal there for your taking if you make the decision to open the mine once more. You also learn that if you open the mine, you’ll not only be required to live close by, but your ownership necessitates an incredible amount of government oversight because of environmental concerns that surround the...

Man’s Predictions or God’s Promises?

Over these past few weeks our world has been gripped with a growing fear factor related to the Corona Virus that has reached pandemic levels. This fear has literally created confusion and disorder in nearly every corner of the world. As world citizens, what we thought would be normal life a few months ago is suddenly appearing to be anything BUT normal in the reality of what’s happening and decisions that are being made. For financial investors there is fear and uncertainty in the financial markets, for sports fans who relish the NCAA Basketball Tournament, March Madness has turned into March sadness.   As world citizens, life is rapidly changing from what we thought would be normal… But what about for us who are KINGDOM CITIZENS? …What about for us who claim to know Jesus as Savior and Lord? What about us who claim citizenship in the Kingdom of God, not this world, as our primary Home address on our Life-Passport? What about us? How should we respond as God’s People...

Gaining Spiritual Perspective

The World trains us to observe and react to life according to it's own perspective. But in the Kingdom of God we should see things through spiritual perspectives. Gaining this spiritual perspective requires moving from the world into the Kingdom of God. We do that as we are “born again”, (John 3:3), through acceptance of Christ as Savior and Lord. But even as a Christ follower, if we’re not careful we can see life through a perspective that is not spiritual. In the first few verses of 1 Corinthians chapter 3, the Word of God warns us of the danger in having a worldly perspective that pays no attention to Spiritual truth. Here the apostle Paul writes these words to the Church at Corinth: “ I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly—mere infants in Christ.” 1 Corinthians 3: 1 Part of our process in maturing as Christ-Followers so that we are no longer infants in Christ requires our determination of Discipleship. Th...